What You'll Learn in My Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course | Drawing for Beginners

Jul 15, 2022
What You'll Learn in My Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course - Bonny Snowdon Academy

I'm thrilled to finally be announcing the launch of my new beginners' course, the Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course, which has been designed specifically for people who are very new to drawing with coloured pencils, or even those who've never picked up a pencil before but are looking for a new, fulfilling hobby that will bring them joy. 
If that sounds like you, read on to find out what the Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course will teach you...
Get to Know Your Materials

I seem to say it all the time, and the truth never changes, there are so many pencils, types of paper and different tools available, that it can be really difficult figuring out which ones to buy. It you're completely new to coloured pencils, it's even harder. 

In the course, I guide you through the different materials available, helping you to understand what the best options for beginners are. I also introduce you to some of the more affordable options on the market in case you're not quite ready to commit to the more expensive brands. 

These modules are going to help you get started on the best possible footing, and they'll give you an understanding of which pencils, paper, erasers and sharpeners are going to really help you out, so you can find the materials that will really work for you. 


Two Vital Techniques

As there are so many techniques to learn when you start drawing with coloured pencils, and it can be really overwhelming figuring out where to start. Because of this, I wanted to teach you two of the most important techniques when it comes to drawing, which are how to layer and blend your pencils. 

With the help of my three-part, realtime tutorial, you'll learn how to use the layering and blending techniques to draw beautifully realistic cat eyes and fur. The tutorial has been recorded with a live voiceover, so you'll benefit from my step-by-step instructions as I take you through every stage of the drawing. 


I can't tell you how much joy coloured pencils have brought to my life over the years. They have allowed me to develop a skill I can feel truly proud of, gain more confidence in every day life as well as finding something positive that brings me a feeling of mindfulness. They've also opened the door to an amazing community of artists, where I find support, encouragement and friendship every day. 

It's for this reason that I wanted to create the Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course. I wanted to help other people find that same joy that I have found, to find renewed confidence and pride, and to find a new sense of belonging with people all over the world that they may never have met without coloured pencils. 

If you would like to experience all of these things, or to simply learn a new skill and a hobby you can enjoy, the Super Simple Coloured Pencil Course can help you. To find out more and to buy the course, click here


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