The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty | August

Aug 25, 2023
The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty | August

Well, what a busy and exciting month August has been! New coloured pencil drawings, free Live Events, the announcement and selling out of my in-person event, and so much more! Never a dull moment at the Bonny Snowdon Academy, so let me fill you in…


Exciting Events:

The first big news is I was finally able to share all the information about my first in-person event since 2020, my Great British Art Party! We shared all the information and opened bookings at the beginning of the month and it sold out in less than 12 hours! Which was just amazing and I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to meet everyone who is going to be joining me in November!

I also have my next workshop this Sunday, where we are going to be drawing a really beautiful polar bear, so I'm really looking forward to that and drawing with everyone who has booked a place. Plus there are more events happening this month with me running 3 free Live Events that are suitable for coloured pencil artists of all skill levels, whether you are a complete coloured pencil newbie or you’re a seasoned artist looking to come join us for a couple of hours of drawing. The first event took place this week, but if you would like to attend the next 2 events, and are not yet signed up, you can sign up here.


The Ignite Membership is Opening its Doors:

The Ignite Membership will be opening its doors on 11th September, so there has been lots of planning and preparation underway for that. There are a couple of new things this time, including the introduction of the Ignite Membership Planner which will allow all new members to track their progress and see their amazing coloured pencil journeys which is just going to be fantastic!

If you’re interested in joining the incredibly supportive Ignite community make sure to click here to find out all that Ignite has to offer and join the waitlist today so you don’t miss out on your chance to join when the doors open.



As usual, there has been lots of drawing going on with me finishing a commissioned piece of the gorgeous Nina the Neapolitan Mastiff, who I absolutely loved having on my drawing board. We have also been making progress on our lovely little bee drawing in Art Club. I’m really enjoying this one because we have been working on the background which is so relaxing because it’s all about getting the pencil down and lots of blending.

I have also been getting everything sorted for some upcoming tutorials which I can’t wait to do and I’m sure the Ignite members are going to love. The first is a really beautiful horse which I am going to start working on in the next couple of weeks and I’m also in the process of sorting out an image of my cat, Mirry who is also going to be a tutorial. So many people have asked me if we can draw her and, although I may be a little biased, she is so beautiful how can we not? The other upcoming subject which I’m really looking forwards to is a highland cow, which we will start to draw in Art Club in October. The perfect autumnal drawing as we head towards the C word… Christmas! I know, mentioning Christmas in August! But the speed this year is going, it's going to be here in no time!


If you want to hear about all the events of August and get more of an update on mine and my animal's lives, make sure to watch the video at the top of this page.

Ignite by Bonny Snowdon the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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