The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty Four | December

Dec 29, 2023
The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty Four | December

And just like that, it’s the end of 2023 and what a fantastic year it’s been! From new ventures in the Academy, to meeting new people and of course lots of drawing, new tutorials and challenges, it has been just the most fantastic year of growth and creativity, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

The Ignite Membership

We have welcomed so many lovely new faces into the Ignite community this year which has been absolutely amazing! It's such a supportive group of like-minded artists, so being able to see even more people benefiting from being part of a community, seeing their confidence grow, their artwork progress, and seeing so many of their amazing achievements has been wonderful!
I’m always trying to make the Ignite Membership the best it can be, and with the Academy growing it is opening up so many more doors of opportunity and is enabling me to really provide the best possible experiences for not only my Ignite members but everyone in the Bonny Snowdon Academy. 2023 saw the start of the Ignite Members’ Virtual Exhibition and there have been three this year, displaying incredible pieces of artwork from my members and giving them the platform for their art to be seen and purchased by thousands of people from around the world. And, if you're wanting to start the New Year on the right foot, then the Ignite Membership will be opening its doors to new members on 2nd January, so make sure you're signed up to the waitlist here so you don't miss out on your chance to be a part of this wonderful community and start developing your coloured pencil drawings.

New Tutorials

I have brought out a variety of new tutorials including some human portraits. I really wanted to challenge myself to draw more humans this year and I’ve found it’s had a huge impact on my drawing ability and I’ve learnt so many new skills that are transferable to my animal portraits. I have seen the confidence of my members really grow when it comes to drawing humans and there have been so many beautiful drawings of their children, grandchildren, and friends being shared in the group! Which has been so lovely to see.
I challenged us all this year with drawing a smooth, shiny and vibrant horse but on drafting film instead of Pastelmat which would have been my usual choice. I know a lot of my students love drafting film and I knew that creating something with less texture would help teach new skills and definitely how to try and not get frustrated. It wasn’t easy and there were definitely points where I did get frustrated but it’s all in the tutorial and there for my students to learn from, and I’m so proud of the finished result! You can see it in the image above.

Great British Art Party

My first Great British Art Party took place this year! It was my first in-person event since the very beginning of 2020 and it was an idea that I had back at the start of this year. It was something I really wanted to do and took months and months of planning by me and my wonderful team but it was just the most fantastic day! We chose a beautiful hotel down in Stratford-upon-Avon (home of Shakespeare) and spent the day doing everything I love most! Drawing, chatting, drinking tea, and eating cake! What could be better?
When I walked into that room and saw 100 smiling faces of artists, it was the most incredible feeling and the whole time it was like being in a room full of friends, even though they were people I hadn’t met before. There were so many hugs and I don’t think I stopped smiling all day, or for the next 2 weeks!
We started with a 2-hour draw-along, followed by a delicious afternoon tea, and then a Q&A and I loved every second which is why I’m so incredibly excited that I’m going to be running another Great British Art Party! This time up in the gorgeous Edinburgh on 8th March 2024. I have decided to extend the draw-along to 4 hours this time, followed again by a lovely afternoon tea and Q&A session, and the good news is there are still a limited number of tickets available. So, if you’d like to join me in Edinburgh, book your place now by clicking here, and I’ll look forward to seeing you there!

I can’t believe we’re nearly in 2024, but I know it will be another amazing year and I can’t wait for more people to start being creative and to see all the benefits being creative will have on their life! Make 2024 the year you go after your dreams, reach your goals, and start living the life you deserve!

Ignite by Bonny Snowdon the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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