The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Thirteen | January

Jan 27, 2023
The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Thirteen | January

Gosh, what a busy month January has been! It’s been busy for me and all the fabulous people I have around me, setting plans in motion for the business and my personal growth and it’s all just making 2023 even more exciting!


The Ignite Membership Opened its Doors

January has seen the welcome of over 800 fabulous new Ignite Members, which has been so wonderful! To see so many people jump in feet first and just go for it is incredible, and it’s amazing to see them already learning and growing in confidence.

I am also so unbelievably proud of how supportive and helpful the community has been, offering feedback when asked and answering each other's questions or just simply offering kind words of encouragement.

If you’re not yet a member, sign-up to the waitlist here to find out more about the Ignite membership and stay up to date with events.


The Virtual Exhibition

There are some exciting new plans for the Ignite Membership, with the first one being the start of our new Virtual Exhibition. My team has been helping me put it together throughout the past couple of months, and you are all going to be able to see it on the 1st February.

It’s going to be just amazing! There are some really beautiful pieces of artwork that are being displayed and it’s fabulous being able to see the different subjects, skill sets and styles. Make sure you keep an eye on my social media feeds and weekly newsletter for the announcement that it’s ready to view!


Workshop Playbacks

I’ve recently introduced a new product onto my website, which I think a lot of people will be quite excited about. I’ll now be releasing the playback videos from my Coloured Pencil Workshops a few months after the Workshop has happened, and the first one I’ve made available is the Horse’s Ear Workshop Playback.

It was a great Workshops where we focussed a lot on layering, so, if you feel that’s an area you need help with, this playback will help you! To find out more, click here.


Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS):

I had the pleasure of meeting and having a chat with the lovely Emma from IDAS this month to discuss how I can do more to support them this year. They’re such a wonderful charity and they do so much to help those who have been affected by domestic abuse, I really felt I should be doing more than simply donating.

So, this year I’m looking into running a charity auction where all the money raised will go to IDAS, as well as offering five scholarships to the Ignite Membership to people who will really benefit from them. As many of us know, being able to use art as an escape from the world even if it is only for 5 minutes can be incredibly valuable, so I’m very excited to be able to offer that.


Developing the Business:

I had the honour of being invited to speak on one of James Wedmore’s Business by Design Live Sessions, talking about how to build your social media platform which I am so grateful to have been a part of.

It was really fantastic to be able to share my story of how I, a ‘normal’, regular person, have grown my business. The session has led me to invest in myself and my business further by taking on James Wedmore’s Next Level Business program which involves some great coaching sessions and group work, among other things, to take my business further. As you can imagine, I’m incredibly excited about that!


I have to say, January has been a fabulous start to 2023 and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year is going to bring. Very exciting indeed!

Ignite by Bonny Snowdon the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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