The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty Two | October

Oct 27, 2023
The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Twenty Two | October

My goodness time is flying by and once again it has been non-stop at the Bonny Snowdon Academy this month! With new coloured pencil drawings, meeting amazing people, the arrival of the latest Ignite members’ virtual exhibition, and a trip to the States, there has been lots going on, so continue reading to find out more…


New Drawings:

I have been working on a couple of commissions this month, the first one being Memphis, a beautiful grey horse who I absolutely loved drawing and the second is of a lovely cat. The photograph I’m using is so lovely and the owner's favourite, but unfortunately it isn’t the best quality but that just means I’m getting to focus on all the values because there are no details there.

The Ignite members have started a new subject in Art Club, a Highland Cow! We have been looking forward to starting this one for such a long time and I’m actually finding it really relaxing working on the background. I’ve also been having discussions with a local photographer who is going to allow me to use some of his photos, which I’m very excited about, and I think one of them will be one of my next tutorials.



October has also seen the arrival of the latest Ignite Members’ Virtual Exhibition! It’s displaying over 100 beautiful pieces of artwork by Ignite members from all over the world and my jaw literally dropped when I saw all the pieces that had been submitted for the exhibition! If you haven’t had a chance to go and view it yet then you can do so here and you can even buy yourself a new piece of art, as some of the artists are selling their pieces. I am also selling a few of my own pieces to raise money for a charity very close to my heart which you can also find and purchase through the exhibition.


Trip to Nashville:

I travelled to Nashville for a 2-day mastermind with my mentor and idol Stu McLaren. He is the most amazing man and I got to meet so many incredible people. Everyone was so willing to share their knowledge and advice and I have come back home feeling so inspired and excited about what the future holds for the Bonny Snowdon Academy. If there is one tip to take away from this it’s to make sure you’re surrounding yourself with amazing and supportive people!

Surrounding yourself with amazing people who are going to help lift you up, offer guidance and keep you going is such an incredible and valuable thing. I have two wonderful communities, my Ignite membership and my coloured pencil group on Facebook and I’m so proud of how lovely and supportive they are. If you’re looking for some like-minded people, join my coloured pencil group and see how wonderful they are!


If you want to hear more about the events of the month, my fun time in Nashville and some of the exciting things coming up in November, watch the video at the top of this blog.

Ignite by Bonny Snowdon the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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