The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Nineteen | July

Jul 28, 2023
The Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Chapter Nineteen | July
Oh my goodness, this month has gone so fast! I know I say that every month, but it really has. My team and I have been so busy with lots of planning for the jam-packed months to come, so let me catch you up on all the events of the month.


New Coloured Pencil Tutorials: 

I have a couple of new tutorials this month, the main one being I have finished my biggest tutorial to date, Girl in the Daffodils. It took me 40 hours to complete and I have also been able to edit all 20 parts of the tutorial and upload them into the video hub, which took absolutely ages, for the lovely Ignite members to start having a go at. I’m genuinely so proud of this one and although at points it was nearly called Girl in the *bleep* Daffodils, I’m sure you can fill in that word, I really enjoyed it! Especially the denim, who knew drawing denim would be so much fun? Grass… not so much!

We also finished our Art Club subject, which was a glass of red wine. I chose it because it was something very different to our usual fur and feathers and because it could teach us some new skills, but I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did.


Busy Months to Come:

There has been lots of planning and organising for some exciting events over the upcoming months, one of which is a new venture that I still can't tell you about! We have spent so much time this month searching for photographers, liaising with venues and so much more. I'm about to burst with excitement, but all will be revealed next month!

I have also just announced my next one-day workshop, which will be taking place at the end of August. We will be drawing a polar bear, focusing on techniques for drawing dense white fur on a white background. I'm really excited about this one because white fur is something lots of people tell me they struggle with, so I want to share all my simple tips and techniques. If you're interested in coming along make sure you book your place because spaces are limited and I'd hate for you to miss out. You can find out more and book your place here.


If you want to hear all the events of the month, including a grooming mishap with the dogs, my struggles with technology, and a few helpful tips make sure to watch the video at the top of this page. Never a dull moment at the Bonny Snowdon Academy!

Ignite by Bonny Snowdon the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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