Books to Help You Gain Confidence and Reach Your Full Potential

Jun 12, 2021
Books to Help You Gain Confidence and Reach Your Full Potential - Blog - Bonny Snowdon Academy
As many of you will already know, trying to help people gain the confidence and motivation they need to succeed in their artwork or business is really important to me. Of course, I’m aware that it isn’t always easy trying to keep your chin up, and sometimes it’s difficult to know which course of action is the right one to take. Some of you may know that I have been working with a coach, really trying to focus my mind and get organised, while figuring out how I can offer the best services to my students, customers and lovely supporters.
Let’s face it, no-one is perfect. No-one has all the answers! The majority of us need a good steer in the right direction, so that we can have the confidence to know that the decisions we make are the best ones for us in both daily life and working life. So, to give you a quick bit of help, I thought I’d write up a list of the books I’ve found really useful, and that I think will help you feel more confident and reach your full potential.


The Art of Creativity : Susie Pearl 

A more recent read for me, this book is written by the fabulous Susie Pearl, who I am currently having coaching sessions with to help me with all areas of my personal life and work. The Art of Creativity was written specifically for creative people like you and me, and highlights seven key habits that help creatives in both their daily lives and working lives, and shows you how you can incorporate these into your own life to reach your goals, take risks and get rewards, and ultimately fulfil your dreams.

It’s so worth a read if you feel like you need a push in the right direction, or if you feel like you’re stuck in a bit of a rut. Susie is amazing, I highly recommend her books.

You can buy the Art of Creativity here.


S.U.M.O. Shut Up, Move On: Paul McGee

S.U.M.O. is another great book to pick up if you’re feeling held back. It encourages you to reconsider your thought process on certain aspects of life and take charge, understanding that once you reevaluate and alter the way you think, you can reach your true potential, make the most of given opportunities, and find more enjoyment in life and work.

It’s all about being honest with yourself, something that a lot of people find hard, but something that can really help you make changes when taken into consideration. I recommend this book for everyone!

You can buy S.U.M.O. here


Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure: Robert de Board

This is a slightly different one, but really quite lovely. Counselling for Toads is a psychological spin off of The Wind in the Willows, and continues the story of Toad and his friends, but focusses on Toad’s feelings, outlook on life, and how he deals with these things. Different characters in the book take on the role of counsellor, helping Toad to understand his emotions, help himself, and grow as a person (or amphibian, I suppose I should say!).

This book is really great for anyone who gets on better with fiction, opposed to non-fiction, and likes the idea of a more light-hearted approach to what can be quite a serious and daunting subject.

You can buy Counselling for Toads here.


The Slight Edge: Jeff Olsen

Like S.U.M.O, The Slight Edge is another book that encourages you to look at and change the way you think. This was a book that was recommended to me and I love it! It goes into how, just by doing little things everyday, you can build up to amazing successes, whether it’s diet, health, business. It’s a fantastic read, and a quick synopsis is available as an audio book which is worth getting if you’re stuck for time.

You can buy The Slight Edge here


If you find yourself struggling for a sense of direction, or feel that you’re lacking confidence and need some help reaching your full potential, I’d highly recommend giving one of these books a try. Sometimes, all you need is for someone to give you a few tips or a few useful pointers, and it can give you a new approach to many things in life. And remember, never feel ashamed of thinking that you need a little help; we all need help at one point or another, and no-one is perfect. Taking charge and looking for that advice is one of the most valuable things you can do, and is just another way of being kind to yourself and helping yourself out!

Image credits (from top to bottom): Susie Pearl, Browns Books, Amazon, Rakuten Kobo.


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