Top Tips for Marketing Your Art Business on Social Media - Part Two

Dec 14, 2020
Top Tips for Marketing Your Art Business on Social Media - Part Two - Bonny Snowdon Academy
Hopefully you’ll have had a chance to read through Part One of this blog and get to grips with a few of the key points to think of when it comes to writing content. If not, click here to go and give it a read before getting stuck into Part Two.
Below are just a few more tips to help you get the most out of your social media marketing, and hopefully set you on the right track to meeting those targets and seeing the results you’re after.


Insights and Analytics are Your Best Friends

They can seem daunting and confusing (I know because I’ve avoided them for years!), but keeping an eye on your insights will be a big help. There is so much information that can really work in your favour, it’s daft not to pay attention!

Lucy’s favourites are as follows, and she’s broken them down for you to make it a bit easier to understand:

  • Posting times: find out when your audience is online and when is the best time to share posts. Insights breaks this down into days and hours, so you can see which days you should post and at what time.
  • Post types: Facebook and Instagram give you figures that show which types of content work best on your feed. From this, you’ll be able to figure out what you should be posting in the future.
  • Engagement: see exact numbers of how many people are engaging with your posts. This will give you a more specific idea of which types of posts people react well to. Pay attention to which posts have had more engagement than others, and see if you can figure out why. Did you share a photo or a video? Did you ask a question that people have answered? Was the post longer or shorter than others? There are lots of reasons why some posts do better than others, but if you pay attention to the ones that have done well, you should hopefully see a pattern explaining why.


Make Your Life Easier with Scheduling

Uploading content in advance where possible can be a really useful way of freeing up your time. Instead of having to post on the day, you can have posts already waiting to go.

I’d recommend giving Creator Studio a try. It’s free, and allows you to schedule posts onto both Facebook and Instagram.

Engage, engage, engage!

Outbound engagement is one of the most important things you can do on your social media accounts. If you want to push yourself up in the algorithms and make your way to the top of people’s feeds, you need to engage with other accounts. That means liking, commenting, and even sharing relevant content. The more you interact with other people and pages, the more likely you are to encourage others to engage with you.

And, most importantly, if people are engaging with your posts, be sure to show some appreciation! Whether that’s a quick comment saying “thank you” or a simple like of what they’ve said, it will help you not only in the algorithms, but in building a relationship with your potential customers. 

Stay Up to Date!

Possibly the most important thing to remember is that social media platforms are constantly changing and updating. Keep your eye on what’s new and what’s different to make sure you’re still doing the right thing.

Both Facebook and Instagram have some really useful learning resources that will help you stay in-the-loop and keep learning. I’d really recommend giving them a look, which you can do for Facebook here and Instagram here.


And that’s everything! What with all that and Part One of this blog, I know there’s a lot to remember, but hopefully it will get you on the right track to seeing more engagement, more followers, and more sales. If you have any questions for either me or Lucy, you can contact me through my own social media pages, which you’ll find links to on the footer of this page. We’re always happy to help where we can, so don’t hesitate if you need a helping hand!

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