3 Small Changes to Make Your Art Business More Successful | Business Tips

Jul 07, 2023
3 Small Changes to Make Your Art Business More Successful | Business Tips
As someone who has created a successful art business, I understand that it can feel a little bit overwhelming trying to figure out the best ways to grow your business, which is why I have come up with some small changes you can make that will have a big impact!



Having a positive can-do mindset is key to making your business successful! Know that you're going to succeed, your work will be fabulous, and people will buy from you. If you don't believe in yourself and your business, then how do you expect anyone else to? Now I'm not implying that changing your mindset is easy but it's certainly something everyone can work on over time to ensure your inner voice speaks to you positively and your go-to response is a positive one.


Setting Boundaries:

I am a people pleaser, so saying no to people has been really hard for me, but it’s really important to make sure you’re setting boundaries when running a business to protect yourself. By creating boundaries it will make it easier to confidently say no when someone asks you something you don’t feel comfortable doing. This could be someone asking you to do a commission for less than you would normally charge, or asking you to create something that doesn’t fit with your brand.

Saying no doesn’t have to be negative and you’ll find it allows you to concentrate on the things you actually want to do and enable you to grow.


Be Consistently You:

Consistency is key! It’s important to consistently be posting, creating content, and design your branding to represent you and your values. That way people will know what to expect and recognise you for your style of art and content.

Don’t ever try and force something that isn’t you because it will become exhausting and it’s harder to stay consistent this way. If you're unapologetically you, you will always be true to who you are and make your own success!


Sometimes some of the smallest changes can have the biggest impacts, so if you want some more small steps that are going to help you on your path to success, you can download my Free PDF Guide, 12 Easy Steps Towards Making Your Art Business More Successful, here.

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