Interview with Susie Pearl, Writer, Coach & Author of The Art of Creativity and Instructions for Happiness

Episode #4

In this episode of It's a Bonny Old Life, Bonny Snowdon speaks to one of her most valued mentors, Susie Pearl on the importance of finding our highest personal potential, keeping our mental health strong and living with conscious awareness.

After recovering fully from an aggressive brain tumour, Susie found out about healing and what life is really all about. She is grateful for each day and lives life making every day count. She experienced leaving her body and looking down from out of her body in a real life NDE (Near Death Experience) and came back fully healed which surprised everyone – particularly the doctors. Her journey out of her body took her on a road of learning about life and death that has changed her (for the better) forever. It has given her a deep wisdom and understanding about life.

This podcast explores how Bonny's work with Susie has helped her dive deep into the inner well of creativity that we all have inside and find happiness and good living to support this process. Bonny also talks to Susie about how she supports others to shift from fear into love and make life more fun and enjoyable. 

Listen to the podcast on this page or click the links to subscribe and/or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

If you'd like to find out more about Susie Pearl or buy one of her books, head to her website here, follow her on Facebook here, and find her on Instagram here